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What to do about brittle and weak nails: tips for care and nutrition

What to do about brittle and weak nails: tips for care and nutrition

Weak and brittle nails can be the result of many factors, such as vitamin deficiency, frequent contact with water, chemicals, or even genetic predisposition. Here are some tips on how to strengthen your nails and improve their condition.

Nail care:

1. Protection from damage:
• Use gloves when working with chemicals or when in prolonged contact with water (such as when washing dishes).
• Avoid using your nails as tools for opening jars or scraping.

2. Proper trimming and filing:
• Trim your nails regularly and shape them into a round or square shape to reduce the risk of breakage.
• Use a soft nail file, filing in one direction to avoid splitting.

3. Use moisturizers:
• Moisturize your hands and nails daily with creams or oils containing vitamins A and E, glycerin or jojoba oil.
• Regularly soak your nails in warm olive oil or with lemon juice to strengthen and moisturize.

Nutrition for strengthening nails:

1. Balanced nutrition:
• Include protein-rich foods (meat, fish, eggs, legumes) in your diet, because nails are made of keratin, a protein.
• Eat foods that contain vitamins and minerals needed for healthy nails, such as:
• Biotin (eggs, nuts, whole grains)
• Vitamin E (nuts, seeds, greens)
• Zinc (meat, dairy, pumpkin seeds)
• Calcium (dairy, greens)

2. Additional vitamin complexes:
• If you are deficient in certain vitamins, you can take special vitamin complexes for strengthening nails that contain biotin, vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as minerals such as zinc and iron.

Additional tips:

1. Avoid harsh nail polish removers:
• Using acetone and other harsh nail polish removers can weaken your nails. Choose gentle, acetone-free products.
• Reduce the frequency of using gel polishes and acrylic nails, as they can make nails weak and brittle.

2. Nail Strengtheners:
•  Use special nail strengtheners that may contain proteins, calcium, and vitamins to maintain healthy nails.

3. Avoid Over-Buffing:
•  Over-buffing your nails can make them thinner and weaker. Buff your nails only when necessary and very gently.

4. Regular Cuticle Massage:
•  Massaging your cuticles with oil or cream stimulates blood circulation and promotes healthy nail growth.

Providing your nails with proper care and nutrition can strengthen them and make them more resistant to damage.

08/07/2024 17:18:13


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