Today I want to talk about one of my favorite topics - hair superfoods. ????
After all, food is not only a need, but also an impact on our appearance and internal state. ????
Hair strengthening products
Strong healthy hair decorates a person's appearance. With age or due to stress, improper care, diseases, hair loses strength and natural shine, begins to fall out, becomes brittle. The problem is not always to use inappropriate means - the human body may lack useful trace elements, macroelements, vitamins and minerals that contribute to the strengthening and growth of hair. To fill the necessary substances, you need to use hair products saturated with different components.
What the body needs to strengthen hair:
Strengthening and growth of hair depends on the intake of a sufficient number of the following elements into the body: fiber; protein; vitamins A, B, C, D, E; iron; zinc; antioxidants; folic acid; beta-carotene; omega-3 fatty polyunsaturated acids.
A balanced diet that includes hair growth products restores their lost shine, natural strength and restores scalp health. In addition, proper nutrition helps strengthen hair follicles, thereby reducing the likelihood of loss.
The list of useful products that provide the necessary nutrition for hair is quite large. Therefore, the diet turns out to be balanced, tasty and varied. This includes whole grains, dairy, seafood, fruits and vegetables, meat and eggs. It is worth getting acquainted with the top 10 most useful products.
Rich in a source of protein and biotin. These elements contribute to the strengthening of hair follicles. Biotin is needed to reproduce keratin, protein is necessary for hair bulbs. Eggs also contain selenium, choline, lutein, vit. A, D and zinc. They are better used boiled.
Fatty fish
These anti-hair loss products contain omega-3 acids, proteins and antioxidants in large quantities. The following types of fish should be included in the diet: salmon; mackerel; herring; sardine; trout. Fish contains selenium, vitamin D, iron and protein. Fish dishes are recommended to be steamed or eat boiled fish fillets.
These are not only healthy, but also very tasty products. The use of berries has a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole.
They contain a high content of vitamin C, which contributes to the elimination of free radicals.
Antioxidants protect hair follicles from damage, prevent hair brittleness: grapes improve cell health; strawberries promote collagen production; cherry and cranberries contain many vitamins. It is better to eat berries fresh, but you can make natural juices and compotes from them.
Good nutrition for hair loss helps to cope with the problem. Spinach rich in iron, folic acid, vit should be included in the diet. A and C. Broccoli, greens (dill, celery, parsley), asparagus and beans should also be added to the diet. They contain calcium, which stimulates hair growth. Vegetables and greens can be used to make salads seasoned with flaxseed oil.
Poultry meat
Most meat contains protein. Chicken and turkey meat is rich in zinc and iron. Properly prepare a healthy product for steam or use it in boiled form.
Protein helps: strengthen follicles; nourish hair; restore healthy shine. You can add meat to vegetable salads, but it is strongly not recommended to fill such dishes with mayonnaise.
When choosing what you need to eat for hair growth, you can't get around legumes. Beans, beans, lentils have a high percentage of vegetable protein, Zn, Fe, folic acid and fiber that nourish follicle cells. Experts recommend eating at least two glasses of legumes a week. The beans themselves can be added to salads or made from them lobio. Following a diet very quickly gives a positive effect.
Shrimp, oysters Seafood
Source of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, macroelements. In addition, shrimps and oysters contain selenium, copper, niacin and biotin. All these substances are involved in restoring and strengthening curls, making hair thick and lush. Zinc, which supports the active growth phase, especially helps.
Nuts, seeds
These products have a lot of fats that are quite difficult for the body to absorb. Therefore, it is better to eat cashews, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts better for breakfast. Nuts contain alpha-linoleic acid. It gives hair shine, saturates and moisturizes. During the day, it is recommended to eat no more than 7 nuts and continue to adhere to the diet for two months. Flax seeds, sunflower, chia contain many fatty acids, selenium, zinc and vitamin E. To obtain various nutrients, you need to use a mixture of seeds.
Buckwheat, oatmeal, cereals A plate of buckwheat or oatmeal for breakfast will help you forget about split ends of hair. Buckwheat is filled with antioxidants, magnesium, vegetable proteins and fiber. It does not contain gluten, which some people do not tolerate. You can supplement the right diet with whole grain bread. It is rich in zinc, iron and vitamin B, which strengthens and strengthens curls.
Dairy products
Unbalanced intestinal microflora is also the cause of poor hair condition. Cheese, fresh milk, homemade yogurts, kefir are what you need to eat for hair growth every day. Dairy products contain milk protein casein in large quantities.
Fruits can be combined with fermented milk products. The most useful way to restore hair health is the right diet.
Fresh carrots, cabbage and sweet peppers are recommended to a balanced diet. You can include dishes with peanut paste, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. In addition, good sleep, a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits help hair.