Stress can affect hair in different ways.
For example, it can cause excessive hair loss or lead to a general deterioration of their condition, such as split ends, brittleness and loss of shine. Stress can also lead to changes in hair growth rate and structure. This is due to changes in hormone levels and blood circulation that affect the function of hair follicles.
What is happening now with hair is more related to seasonal loss, because if you write it off for stress, you must take into account the rule of 2.5-3 months after the action of the negative factor - only after this time the first consequences begin to be noticeable.
Stress also affects the fact that a person becomes sensitive and inclined to write off physiological hair loss to excess.
Usually, most people are somewhat exaggerated about their hair loss, because in fact it is a normal physiological process. In three months, the hair should renew by 15% and this is normal. That is, in a month, a person should lose about 5% of hair, but, of course, from stress, this percentage can increase.
You can independently determine the level of hair loss using a regular hair band. If it falls during your usual manipulations with it, it means that short young hair does not fall into this elastic band, and therefore, the balance between the growth of young and the loss of old hair is in favor of loss. This may indicate certain problems.
Another method is the amount of hair on the comb, which increases. However, here you should try to be as objective and critical as possible, because if a person rarely combs, then he will have more hair on the comb, and if more often - less. But if this amount is significantly greater than it was in the same period last year or a few months ago, this may indicate increased hair loss.
And of course, it is necessary to mention some problems that are accompanied by alopecia, that is, baldness. When there are places on the head where there is no hair, rounded or irregular in shape, this is already a medical problem, and here, despite the war, it is necessary to look for a doctor who will help you figure it out, establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
But in most cases, fortunately, we are talking about the usual Telogen hair loss, caused by replacing the old with a new one, but against the background of stress, this can happen much more intensely, respectively, we lose long hair and the volume of the hairstyle decreases.
Head pain can be associated with certain hair problems, and it is not a very good symptom. It can be caused by inflammation of the scalp, which gives these unpleasant sensations. Also, the process of increased hair loss itself is accompanied by the release of certain biological substances that irritate the nerve endings that give the effect of pain.
Well, here, probably, it is necessary to mention tight hairstyles that can cause circulatory disorders in the scalp and also give the effect of pain. If this happens, then you can talk to a doctor on this topic, and even start with a family doctor and examine the body as a whole, because a symptom such as increased hair loss may indicate that something is wrong with the body.
Also, do not forget about nutrition and sleep. The fact is that hair is 85% protein, respectively, if our diet is unbalanced, then you need to have foods with a high protein content: meat, fish, dairy products, vegetable protein, eggs. Adults need to sleep for at least 7-8 hours. During a stressful period, it is necessary so that the nervous system has time to update so that it does not send negative impulses and the hair follicle does not go into the "combat duty" mode. Emotional balance is also important. Of course, during the war, saying "less nervous" is incorrect for most people, but watch your loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, yourself.
If you understand that the level of stress goes beyond and you need some special help, sedatives or communication with a psychologist - if possible, deal with this issue.
Hygiene occupies an important place in the health of the scalp, so do not neglect it. Don't think that if we sit at home and don't go out, you don't have to wash our hair anymore. A person feels even psychologically better when he sees himself in the mirror healthy, with shiny hair, with clean scalp.
Cutting hair during hair loss will not help, because the problem is deep in the scalp, in the hair follicle, and the length does not affect this process in any way. But after trimming, of course, it will seem to you that your hair falls out less, but it's just an optical deception.
Excessive hair loss during stress can be a temporary occurrence. To reduce this, you can try the following things: a balanced diet, regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, and trying to reduce stress levels altogether. It is also important to take care of your hair, avoiding overheating with a hairdryer or styling, which can aggravate the damage.
Appreciate yourself and take care ????