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Hair loss.

Hair loss.

There are several possible causes of hair loss on the head, including:

1. Genetics: The tendency to hair loss can be inherited.

2. Hormonal changes: For example, in pregnant women, during menopause or due to hormonal disorders.

3. Stress: Physical or emotional stress can affect the hair growth cycle.

4. False diseases: Such as anemia, vitamin deficiency, autoimmune diseases.

5. Overall skin health: Scalp problems, such as dermatitis or other diseases, can affect hair.

6. Improper hair care: Frequent use of hot heating, aggressive chemical procedures, etc.

7. Medications: Some medications can cause hair loss as a side effect.

If you are facing a hair loss problem, it is recommended to contact a specialist such as a trichologist or dermatologist to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment.

22/04/2024 13:30:30


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