Advantages of a turban from LUM

Advantages of a turban from LUM

Top 5 reasons to switch to LUM turban.

In general, I can't live without it anymore, as well as more than 3,000 customers who have already purchased it.

So, what is its functionality? 

  1. polishes the hair web, making it manageable and shiny. Visible after the first use 
  2. prevents hair breakage and cross-section of the tips. Because it does not weigh down or break off strands
  3. natural volume at the roots. Restores the muscle tone of the hair follicle 
  4. prevents traction hair loss. The weight of a wet turban is not more than 120 grams. 
  5. absorbs moisture very quickly, dries quickly and is very compact!  Lum turban is a real hair care device
06/07/2023 14:43:28


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