Hair mask LUM Black Seed Oil Power Hair Mask lum004

Hair mask LUM Black Seed Oil Power Hair Mask

  • Brand: LUM
  • Product Code: lum004
  • In Stock
  • In Stock 690
  • 690₴

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Developed by trichologist

Mask for all hair types. Created together with a trichologist. The special highly active formula of the mask saturates the hair with useful elements, effectively strengthens them, preventing cross-section and brittleness. As a result, your hair will become shiny and well-groomed in appearance.

How to use: apply to wet hair, spread over the entire length of the hair. After 10-20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Important: to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use Lum Black Seed Oil Power shampoo in combination with other degrees of hair care from LUM.

Stage I: Application of growth and anti-hair loss products:

1.LUM Cocktail for hair No. 1 – apply to the scalp.

2.LUM Moroccan Argan Oil – apply to the length of the hair.

(can be applied together with LUM Cocktail for hair No. 1, Keep from 2 to 12 hours / can be applied overnight).

Stage II: washing your hair:

3. Wash your hair with LUM Shampoo.

4.Apply LUM Scalp Peeling to wet scalp (hold for 1 to 3 minutes, repeat 1 time a week).

5.Rinse your scalp thoroughly with running water, then use LUM Shampoo.

6.Apply LUM Balsam from 2 to 5 minutes / LUM Mask apply from 20 to 30 minutes (during washing we use one thing). Then wash it off thoroughly.

Stage III: hair drying:

7. Put the LUM turban with the Terry side to the hair to absorb excess moisture. Wait 20 minutes. Now we put on the turban with the Silk side to smooth the scales of the hair cuticle. Wait another 10 minutes. If desired, we put on the Lum turbanimmediately with the Silk side for 20 minutes.

8. Distribute LUM Protective Keratin Spray along the length and style your hair with a hair dryer or iron.

9. Apply LUM Liquid Fluid to the hair mainly on the tips. The remaining product is distributed evenly along the length of the hair, retreating from the roots.

Storage conditions: at a temperature of +5°C to +25°C in a dry place, without direct sunlight and relative humidity not exceeding 75%.

Volume: 200 ml

Shelf life: 24 months.

Hair Mask

Environmental issues are affecting our health and the health of our hair. Beauty can only be maintained with the help of professional cosmetics. Our mask for all hair types has become a real lifesaver. We are the manufacturer of a line of miraculous products that turn the hair of our clients into the standard of a beautiful hairstyle.

What is the secret of the formula?

LUM hair mask is a key professional tool for effective hair care. It has a composition with the addition of black cumin oil - a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances. You will inevitably see improvements in your hair's condition. The benefits of using our hair mask include:

  • hair growth is accelerated, including new ones;

  • shinier, softer hair;

  • hair loss is prevented;

  • electrification disappears;

  • active cell regeneration starts.

  • reduced hair breakage and damage.

Density, strength, volume, and normal secretion of the skin glands are the gifts that the black cumin hair mask makes to those who use it regularly. You do not need to overpay in the salons for the restoration of the hair structure, just follow the instruction and apply the product a couple of times a week.

How to use it?

Black cumin in the mask fills the cells of the hair and scalp with the necessary substances, which has a cumulative effect. 

  1. Apply evenly to clean, damp hair along the entire length.

  2. Leave the treatment on your hair for 10-15 minutes, and you can wrap it in a warm towel.

  3. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Recommendation: if you live in a metropolis, are prone to stress, and the air is mostly dry, frosty, or hot, then your hair strands are extremely vulnerable and need professional help. We recommend a black cumin hair mask in combination with other basic care products from LUM.

A single reliable formula at the heart of all these positions ensures that there is no negative impact that can be from incompatible chemical formulas that different brands consist of. The unique combination of ingredients makes the mask an indispensable assistant in the restoration and renewal of hair.


Reviews (5)

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Щиро вдячна за вашу масочку
Це для мене знахідка )
Вона просто неймовірна ❤️
Після неї моє волосся стало дуже живим та наповненим. Я вам щиро вдячна

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Purchased in this store: Yes

Обрала маску від цього бренду щоб повернути волоссю блиск та трохи відновити його після фарбування (стало дуже сухе через неякісну фарбу). На консультації мені порадили спробувати метод зворотнього зволоження. Після першої процедури не помітила значних змін, можливо волосся було вже дуже пошкоджене. Зараз зробила уже 10 процедур і можу сказати що волосся дійсно вже не таке сухе як на вигляд так і на дотик. Я навіть вже задоволена, але продовжую користуватися далі

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Purchased in this store: Yes

Просто неймовірно
подобається маска,
пройшло декілька днів, але
волосся стало інакшим , дуже

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Purchased in this store: Yes

Щиро вдячна за швидку доставку та цей неймовірний бокс. Мене даже вразив саме запах маски, волосся пахне після неї ще 3 дні, до того ж воно дуже слухняне, шовковисте та блискуче❤️

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Purchased in this store: Yes

коктейля я ещё опробовала
масочку для волос.Волосы после
неё мягусенькие , шёлковые. Мне
постоянно их хочется трогать ,я
не могу передать словами какие
они классные

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