LUM Cocktail For Hair #1- Bestseller since 2019!

LUM Cocktail For Hair #1- Bestseller since 2019!

Completely restore the hair structure in just 4 weeks using the unique product LUM cocktail for hair # 1, based on black cumin oil with biotin. We guarantee that in a week you will notice lots of new hair downs!

Feel a healthy glow after the first application!

????‍♀️Hair treatment occurs in three stages:

1️⃣The active complex of black cumin seed oil, vitamin PP and pyridoxine provides antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effects, actively moisturizes, tones, heals and refreshes the scalp, normalizes the sebaceous glands, preventing dandruff.

2️⃣ Alpha-tocopherol acetate in synergy with biotin promote cell renewal, increase blood flow, resulting in improved circulation at the local level, increased tissue respiratory activity, which helps fight hair loss, and also promotes hair growth and restoration.

3️⃣Retinol improves hair elasticity, makes it elastic, shiny and silky, protecting it from the harmful effects of sunlight, affecting active growth. Vitamin A stimulates the restoration of the hair structure, provides protection against free radicals, and also makes the hair strong and elastic.

09/06/2022 13:17:42


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