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Why are PAVs and silicones not as harmful as they are described?

Why are PAVs and silicones not as harmful as they are described?

PAVs (surfactants) and silicones, which are often used in hair and skin care products, can cause different reactions depending on each person's skin and hair type. The consequences of their use can be both positive and negative. Here are a few points regarding harmfulness:

1.     PAV (Sulfates):

•     Positive aspects: Able to effectively clean from dirt and engage in foaming, which facilitates washing and washing hair.

•     Negative aspects: Can dry skin and hair, especially with regular use, which can lead to loss of natural hydration.

2.     Silicones:

•     Positive aspects: Create a protective layer that can make combing hair easier and give them shine.

•     Negative aspects: They can accumulate on the hair, forming a protective layer that makes it difficult to penetrate nutrients, and is also more difficult to excrete by natural washing methods.

Harmfulness can depend on the individual characteristics of the skin and hair. It is important to choose products that meet your needs and experiment to find the best care.

26/04/2024 02:12:13


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